Arsenal FC signed another Barca whizkid...

Jon Miquel Toral Harper

It's has been all over sports based website that our club have signed this innocent young lad from Barcelona named Jon Miquel Toral Harper. Reported that the modus operadi is just the same as like they did with our el kapitan-Fabregas. Anyway the news is yet to be confirmed in the official website. If it's true.... it will be another 'Barcelona Job' well done !

Click Here to view Toral in action.

ArsenalMy Verdict:
Minus 'L' and it will become TORA (Tora datang lagi !) -cheap junk food that contains chocolate balls that comes with a free toy wrapped in a box ! very famous among Malaysian children during the 80's and 90's

Anyway ArsenalMy wishes him a successful career at Arsenal FC

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