Arsenal 0 Sunderland 0


Frustrating game indeed. We had chances but as usual opposition keepers playing at Emirates will perform as there was no tommorow!

aduhai powernye keeper ni kata NB25 (pic taken from

Kudos to our backline but long BOOOOOOOOOOOOO Refffff!

Arsene Wenger 'disgusted' by referee as Arsenal denied penalty and valid goal against Sunderland

dey ref... ini bukan penalti ka ? ( pic taken from

AFCSM verdict:

  1. I heard news that actually this game against Sunderland is a rehersal game for Barca!
  2. Our boy Jackie Wilshere is doubtful for the game... ouccchhhh, oucccchh and oucccchhhhhhh ! Speedy recover dear jackie !
  3. No worries our dear Jack have confirmed he's ok via his tweeter!
    Afternoon everyone..just to let you know i am not injured and if selected will be fit to face Barca! Few kicks but nothing too bad!

1 comment

Eddie da Silva said...

Sunderland have a good keeper..
No doubt about it..
But i think the ref is blind.. He should go for an operation..

(Btw, Bendtner use no 52 not 25.. U type it wrongly.. Heheh...)

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