Out of FA cup

By Sukumar, AFCSM President.
Once Sentence : Simply Not Good Enough

We had better possession but could not overrun Manure
We had more shots on goal but could not score
We had fitter players but could not match Manure's Counter Attack

So in summary we were not good enough to win

A group of us were so pissed with the results that we were grumbling and cursing at a mamak shop till 5.30am after the match

Yes! some will say Van Der Sar had a great day, is that a coincidence or what? that everytime a team plays Arsenal the keeper becomes great, I can quote Marcus Haneman, Robert Green, Gomes, Ben Foster, Jussi Jaaskelainen, tim howard even Oman goal keeper Al Habshi

Message from all this is I hope Wenger can see that a top world class experienced keeper can save you, and win you matches even when you are playing bad

We cannot complain enough about Almunia, remember even if Screszny was fit he would have been playing as Wenger always plays the spare keeper for the FA Cup.

Almunia - He was his usual self, good in stopping shots but useless in positioning and very best in Flapping and missing soft balls

Why was Clichy rested for an important game like this one and Gibbs a player who has not played many games playing, especially against a fit again Valencia

Sagna - has a great game, coped well with the counter attacks and put in a few great crosses

Koscienly - played ok could be blamed for the 1st Goal but he had min cover from midfield. Went forward a few times and had a great shot saved by Van Der Sar

Jourou - slow as usual but coped well with headers

Diaby - did his best to slow down and screw up our attacks, keeps on holding to the ball and never releases for quick counter attacks

Denilson - another waste of time, everytime he gets the ball he passes sideways, back or to opponents never forward and never checks or chases opponents most of the time jogging around. For the second goal he left his man free and Gibbs was pulled out of position to mark the man and we were screwed

Nasri - He tried his best but could not create mush as he also had to help with defence as the other 2 were hopeless

Arshavin - Also tried his best but unable to breakthrough but with him on the field you always feel that he can create some magic

Wilshere - Fantastic and mati mati attitude I wish Denilson will have some of that. Only worry is that a young player like him actually should not be playing so many full games he risks Burnout or Long term injury, he needs to be taken off before end or come in later to create impact

Van Persie - Also tried his best but could not score, we need him to be fit and injury free to finish the run in of last 10 games strongly

Also I am finding it very difficult to understand why the hell we need to play a 4-5-1 against a defensively poor Manure team

I hope that we can revert back to past successful 4-4-2
With Chamakh and Van Persie as strikers
With Wilshere, Nasri, Fabregas, Arshavin, Song & Bendtner with Rosicky as a back up.
Defense wise we have not much choice now Squillachi, Koscienly, Sagna and Clichy must start, Gibbs can be a back up I think Klye Bartley will to be recalled from loan

Main realistic targets for the rest of the season is to win all remaining matches go for min top 3 finish and avoid qualifying for CL, because if they finish 4th and need to qualify for CL, Arsenal will definitely not make a trip to Asia in close season and a we in Malaysia will miss out

Just my really pissed out 2 sen comments
Sorry for the long mail really frustrated
Gunner for Life

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