Arsenal 1 Bolton 2: Oh!!!! Arsenal I love You

By Sukumar , AFCSM President

The news are full of Arsene Wenger stories,
Personally I do criticize wenger for his substitutions and tactics but, my simple take on the whole issue
I am stunned that some people who have been complaining don’t realize these facts.
We have been on an amazing streak in the Champion’s League qualifying for the last 15 seasons
We have never been in any danger of being relegated in the last 15 seasons
We have been in the Top 4 since the 1996-1997 season, since Wenger was appointed.
We have a state of the art most magnificient training facility in the world
We have a state of the art most magnificient stadium in the world
We have been economical with transfers, even with a new stadium debt burden
We have one of the best managers in football
For the oldies!! remember the Terry Neil/Don Howe days when a good cup run was the limit of the club’s achievement. Remember the “Boring Boring Arsenal” days of George Graham or ‘one nil to the Arsenal’ days 

The Mourinhos and Fergusons have all spent heavily to get their successes and amassed debt in the process.
The owners at Arsenal will never get rid of Wenger because, unlike other clubs, he has not bankrupted the club, ask Pompey
It’s true that Arsenal hasn’t won a trophy for six years, but they’ve competed for various trophies in that span, yeah we fizzled out in the end a few times lost a few finals but we were there at least fighting for it.

The question to all Arsenal fans is do you want to win a trophy or two, from time to time miss out on CL and end up mid table and perhaps go into debt in the process? 

Which brings us to the classic question what is more important: silverware, or survival? the Premier League has changed a lot since its inception. Most teams are fighting to keep their heads above water financially. Once the “fair play” rules set by UEFA kick in, Arsenal will be ahead of the others becoz of our financial management. Eventually only teams who have stayed out of debt will survive, as there will be no more big sugar daddies available to bail out teams which have foolishly overspent.

It is too bad the Gunners cannot finish first right now, when the Emirates Stadium is paid for, we will be in a position to be the biggest spenders. its quite possible that ten years from Manure fans might be saying, “Boring, boring Arsenal they’ve won the league yet again.”
We all admit Wenger has made mistakes but overall he has done an admirable job at Arsenal his good far outweigh the bad. Do you really think Wenger leaving will bring stability or success automatically.
Also if he leaves who is going to replace him ??? Harry “Bankrupt” Redknapp, Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola ??????
Wenger is one of the top 5 coaches in the world. Show him the door and unless you get a Mourinho or Guardiola it will be all downhill and worst case scenario.
When I was young the only Live Telecast we got to watch were Cup Finals, I waited many many years to see my team to be in the top 4 consistently. Now they are there if I have to wait many many years again before I see them winning regularly, then be it, I will wait
But deep inside, I know I am supporting one of the best clubs the world has ever seen

Arsenal I always have and always will love you
Gunner for Life & Living to be a Gunner
Just my Biased 2 cents worth


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