In the News : Azman Shah, President of Arsenal Malaysia

This man loves football, and a burning passion for the Gunners

Azman Shah Mohidin is no different from any diehard football fan. 

 The 35-year-old talks, lives and breathes football. And, during his non-working hours, he mostly wears football jerseys – specifically those of an Arsenal persuasion. 

 He just can’t help it. The affair with his beloved club, despite its fluctuating fortunes, has been going on for almost three decades. 

 It all started when Azman was a seven-year-old, when the boys in his family would engage in routine evening kickabouts in a field in Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur. 

 “Growing up in the 80s, there were no video games or cell phones, so we had to find something to occupy our time. We went out to play football most of the time. My interest developed from there,” recalls the president of Arsenal Malaysia supporter’s club. 


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